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时间:2024-10-25 22:29:21 来源:

据NBACentral报道,键盘较现开拓者队记Highkin表示,侠丨西卡西“我同意 ,队记大桥当涉及到三号签交易时 ,布朗布里奇斯 、开拓西亚卡姆和布朗是目标开拓者三个主要目标,我认为有一个合理的球迷机会,可以完成涉及他们中的键盘较现一个。”让我们来看看球迷们对此作何评价!侠丨西卡西 We need dame in the playoffs make something happen 我们需要利拉德在季后赛中发挥作用 ,队记大桥做点什么吧 Boston not trading Brown if they win tonight. 如果凯尔特人今晚赢了,布朗他们不会交易布朗 。开拓 Even if they lose trading Brown for the 3rd pick?目标 即使他们输了 ,用第三顺位选秀权换布朗 ? I think it could be a possibility because then it’s hard to justify keeping Brown and paying him because you’re now taking a step back as a team. If they make it to the finals again then Atleast they know they’re right there. I think today matters. 我觉得这是球迷有可能的 ,因为这样(输掉抢7)就很难说服布朗留下并付给他薪水 ,键盘较现因为你现在作为一支球队要退步了。如果他们再次进入总决赛 ,那么至少他们知道自己就在那里 。我觉得今天很重要 。 It’s very much not hard to justify. He’s 26 years old and has improved every year. I get people are bored and like hypothetical scenarios… Truth is he’s getting a SuperMax extension regardless of what happens today ‍♂️ 这其实很容易说服 。他才26岁,每年都在进步。我知道人们很无聊 ,喜欢假设的情况…… 事实是,无论今天发生什么  ,他都会得到一份超级顶薪合同‍♂️ If the Celtics lost tonight the new CBA makes it very hard to justify actually… Also, it would be the # 3 + Sharpe + either Simons or Nurkic. 如果凯尔特人今晚输了,新的劳资协议会让这件事变得很难说服…… 另外,这将是第3顺位+夏普+西蒙斯或努尔基奇之一。 Blazers still trying to build around dame 开拓者仍然想围绕利拉德建队 Yeah cause why should the blazers pair Dame with an all star for the first time in a decade when he wants to win here. Y’all are the same people complaining that the blazers wouldn’t ever get dame help. The blazers should be praised for being as loyal to Dame as he is to them. 是啊 ,因为为什么开拓者要让达米安·利拉德想在这里赢球的时候给他找一个全明星搭档呢? 你们就是那些抱怨开拓者不会给达米安·利拉德帮助的人  。 开拓者应该因为对达米安·利拉德的忠诚而受到赞扬,就像他对他们一样忠诚  。 The blazers have failed for years. They cant do it and looking at how old lillard is the scope of their future if they still try to trade away valuable young assets to build around him is looking really bad. Its 2 years rebuilding around him and theyve missed the playoffs. 开拓者已经失败了好多年。他们做不到 ,而且看看利拉德有多老 ,如果他们还想用有价值的年轻资产来围绕他建队,他们未来的前景看起来真的很糟糕 。这是围绕他重建的第二年 ,他们已经无缘季后赛了 。 Boston is not trading Brown for the 3rd pick unless it includes Dame 凯尔特人不会用第三顺位选秀权交易布朗   ,除非其中包括达米安·利拉德 None of those moves make them title contenders unless they get two of them with dame. But why would Jalen want to go to Portland, and nets wont give you bridges without robbing u. Siakam is the only real option... and its not enough 除非他们能和利拉德一起得到其中两个人 ,否则这些交易都不会让他们成为总冠军的竞争者。但是布朗为什么要去开拓者呢,而篮网也不会给你布里奇斯而不敲你一笔。西亚卡姆是唯一真正的选择……但还不够 A deal around #3 and Siakam kinda makes sense for both teams. I doubt the raptors will be able to compete in the East the next couple years. 以第3顺位和西亚卡姆为核心的交易对双方都有意义。我怀疑猛龙在未来几年能否能在东部有竞争力 。 Mikal the most overrated player in the league lol. That 20 game sample size overhyped him too much. He’s nowhere near the level of players Brown and Pascal are 米卡尔·布里奇斯是联盟中最被高估的球员哈哈。那20场比赛的样本太夸大了他的水平。他根本不在布朗和西亚卡姆的水平上 “Dame needs to leave. The blazers aren’t going to get him help.” The same exact people now “Why are they getting Dame help.  Trade him already.” “达米安·利拉德需要离开。开拓者不会给他帮助 。” 同一批人 “为什么要给达米安·利拉德帮助 。赶紧把他交易掉。” JB definitely not going anywhere is Boston wins game 7, Brooklyn already said they’re not trading Mikal, which means Simons and the 3rd pick for siakam is gonna happen 要是凯尔特人赢了G7,那杰伦布朗哪里都不去. 篮网已经说了不交易布里奇斯,这意味着西蒙斯和第三顺位选秀权换西亚卡姆将会发生. If Celtics don’t win the finals. I would trade Brown. Brown for Simons and the #3 pick. Then Celtics package 2 of there guards and multiple firsts for Bradley Beal or some other SG or SF. 如果凯尔特人没有赢得总冠军。我会交易布朗。用西蒙斯和第3顺位选秀权换布朗 。然后凯尔特人用两个后卫和多个首轮选秀权换布拉德利·比尔或其他得分后卫或小前锋 。 If I’m the nets I take that in a heart beat. Toronto and Boston have a number one player still in the fold. Tatum and Barnes. Bridges would be their one and he would be great next to Dame. Question tho is Bridges better than CJ? No. Search will continue. 如果我是篮网 ,我会毫不犹豫地接受这笔交易  。猛龙和凯尔特人各自阵容里都有一个明星球员。塔图姆和巴恩斯 。布里奇斯将是他们的一号球员,他和利拉德搭档会很棒 。问题是布里奇斯比CJ强吗 ?不是。搜索将继续。 Lets goooo Dame gonna have one of Miles Bridges, Pascal Siakam, or Jaylen Brown as his star duo just want the Blazers to build a competent playoff roster around Lillard 冲冲冲  ,达米安·利拉德将有一个布里奇斯、帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆或杰伦·布朗作为他的明星二人组.只想让开拓者围绕利拉德建立一个有竞争力的季后赛阵容 That’s team isn’t making past the first round of playoffs. Those three you mentioned aren’t going to give the blazers the big leap that they need 那支球队过不了季后赛第一轮。你提到的那三个人不会给开拓者带来他们需要的大飞跃 They gotta give up more than just the 3rd pick to get 1 of them. And they still wont be a playoff team unfortunately in the west 他们必须付出比第3顺位更多的东西才能得到其中一个人 。而且他们在西部仍然不是一支季后赛球队 Siakam seems like the most realistic of the three given his contract situation and the current state of the Raptors 西亚卡姆看起来是三个中最现实的一个 ,考虑到他的合同情况和猛龙目前的状态 Dame with Tatum — Celtics might be giving up youth in Jaylen Brown but the two-man game would be better. 达米安·利拉德与塔图姆搭档——凯尔特人可能放弃了杰伦·布朗这样的年轻球员,但两人之间的配合会更好 。 您认为开拓者休赛期,能够交易来谁 ?欢迎在评论区留下您的观点!

哼哈二将本领非凡 鹈鹕阵容齐整直指季中赛冠军马蓉王宝强离婚七年后首次同框,37岁的马蓉染金发酷似学生妹,试图重燃旧情?

哼哈二将本领非凡 鹈鹕阵容齐整直指季中赛冠军马蓉王宝强离婚七年后首次同框,37岁的马蓉染金发酷似学生妹,试图重燃旧情?

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原创 说到上海申花建队30年大佬 除了亚洲足球先生范志毅 还有这些人



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原创 断崖式下滑!CBA全明星中锋太让人失望,拿到顶薪后成混子





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